Meta Box Checkbox List Query Type in Bricks

This Pro tutorial provides the steps to add a new query type in Bricks builder for displaying the values of a Checkbox List type of custom field created using Meta Box in a query loop.

Field group:

Location of the field group is a CPT: Project (project).

Field being populated on a project CPT post:

Bricks editor:

After implementing the tutorial, the project entry on the front end:

Note: The actual HTML output i.e., values of a Checkbox list field is not the focus here as it can be done by simply copying the code that Meta Box generates and pasting in a Code element. The point is to see an example of how we can basically loop through items of any array in Bricks in a query loop.

Step 1

Register your CPT (if needed), add the field group with a Checkbox List field as shown above (field ID: services_provided), populate the field while adding/editing your CPT items.

Step 2

Add the following in child theme's functions.php or a code snippets plugin:

This is a BricksLabs Pro tutorial.

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