(15 tutorials)
Meta Box Checkbox List Query Type in Bricks

Meta Box Checkbox List Query Type in Bricks

This Pro tutorial provides the steps to add a new query type in Bricks builder for displaying the values of a Checkbox List type of…
Customizing ACF Repeater/Relationship or Meta Box Relationship Query Parameters in Bricks

Customizing ACF Repeater/Relationship or Meta Box Relationship Query Parameters in Bricks

For query types other than post, term and user in Bricks i.e, ACF Repeater/ACF Relationship/Meta Box Relationship there are no built-in controls for modifying the…
Filtering Cloneable Meta Box Group by Sub Field Value in Bricks

Filtering Cloneable Meta Box Group by Sub Field Value in Bricks

This Pro tutorial provides the steps to filter the rows of a Meta Box cloneable group to only those that have a date custom field…
Limit the Number of Posts in a Bricks Query Loop of Relationship Type

Limit the Number of Posts in a Bricks Query Loop of Relationship Type

Updated on 12 Dec 2023 Bricks Query Loop popup does not have a control for setting the number of posts to be output when the…
Adding any Custom WP_Query loop to Bricks’ Query Loop

Adding any Custom WP_Query loop to Bricks’ Query Loop

Sometimes we may need to create a custom post loop using Bricks' query loop feature, but wish to use our own WP_Query code for more…