Pro Filtering ACF Repeater Rows in Bricks by a Boolean Sub FieldLimiting the ACF Repeater query loops in the three columns to only add rows for which the specified sub field.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF, ACF Repeater, bricks/query/run
ACF Repeater Sub Field DataHow to get a specific sub field’s data like its label from a specific ACF Repeater.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Free, PluginsTags: ACF Repeater
Pro ACF Repeater Row Count Condition in BricksThis Pro tutorial provides the steps to output elements on single posts (of any post type) in Bricks only if a specific ACF Repeater-type of…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF Pro, ACF Repeater
Pro Conditional Rendering of ACF Repeater Rows Based on True / False Sub Field in BricksThis Pro tutorial provides the steps to modify a ACF Repeater query loop to only output the rows for which a True / False type…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF Repeater
Pro YouTube Video Timestamps in BricksThis Pro tutorial provides the steps to output a YouTube video given its ID with custom timestamps and their description text using ACF Pro or…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF Pro, ACF Repeater, Interactions, Loop Index, Meta Box
Checking for ACF Repeater Rows in BricksBricks enables us to conditionally output elements if a ACF field of basic type like Text has value by selecting it in the Dynamic data…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Free, PluginsTags: ACF, ACF Repeater, Conditions, Dynamic Data
Pro Outputting ACF Repeater’s Sub FieldsThis Pro tutorial provides the code for printing custom HTML after looping through rows of a ACF Repeater (available in ACF Pro) that has a…Read more →Categories: Plugins, ProTags: ACF Pro, ACF Repeater