(22 tutorials)
ACF Flexible Content in Bricks with Each Row in its Own Section

ACF Flexible Content in Bricks with Each Row in its Own Section

In the previous ACF Flexible Content in Bricks tutorial we showed how Bricks' Flexible Content type of query can be used for showing the ACF…
Sub Field Value from the Last ACF Repeater Row in Bricks

Sub Field Value from the Last ACF Repeater Row in Bricks

Getting the value of a specific sub field of an ACF Pro‘s Repeater field and output in the query loop.
Post-specific ACF Repeater Galleries as Sliders in Bricks

Post-specific ACF Repeater Galleries as Sliders in Bricks

How to output ACF Repeater field rows with the images of the Gallery-type sub field as a slider.
Random images from ACF Options Gallery in Bricks

Random images from ACF Options Gallery in Bricks

This Pro tutorial provides the steps to output images from an ACF Gallery-type custom field in a Bricks query loop randomly with each image appearing…
ACF Repeater sub field value dynamic data condition in Bricks

ACF Repeater sub field value dynamic data condition in Bricks

This Pro tutorial provides the steps to output an element on single posts (can be of any post type) only if a specified ACF (Pro)…
Configuring Image Gallery dynamic source in Bricks

Configuring Image Gallery dynamic source in Bricks

Let's say you have a custom field created with ACF Pro of the type Gallery called "Property Gallery" for posts of "Property" CPT. In the…
Modifying ACF Field Value Before It Is Output

Modifying ACF Field Value Before It Is Output

Consider the scenario where a Page has a "Page Fields" field group created with ACF Pro like this: Field name: scientific_coordinators (type Repeater)|__ Sub field…
Querying Posts by ACF Date Sub Field in Bricks

Querying Posts by ACF Date Sub Field in Bricks

Updated on 17 Nov 2023. This Pro tutorial shows how we can set post__in query parameter of a query loop in Bricks to an array…
Bricks Slider Images From ACF Flexible Content Sub Field

Bricks Slider Images From ACF Flexible Content Sub Field

Consider the following field group associated with Pages when using ACF Pro: "Page Fields" field group|_"Page Content" Flexible Content field|__"Layout 1" layout|___"Title" Text field|___"Layout 1…
ACF Repeater Row Count Condition in Bricks

ACF Repeater Row Count Condition in Bricks

This Pro tutorial provides the steps to output elements on single posts (of any post type) in Bricks only if a specific ACF Repeater-type of…
ACF Repeater Sub Field Values as Tabs in Bricks

ACF Repeater Sub Field Values as Tabs in Bricks

Bricks' query loop supports ACF Repeaters and Meta Box Groups out of the box besides posts, users and terms. This tutorial shows how we can…
CPT Submenu Items in ACF Pro Options Admin Menu

CPT Submenu Items in ACF Pro Options Admin Menu

This Pro tutorial provides the steps to add links to admin pages under an Options page created with ACF Pro. All code mentioned in this…
Outputting ACF Repeater’s Sub Fields

Outputting ACF Repeater’s Sub Fields

This Pro tutorial provides the code for printing custom HTML after looping through rows of a ACF Repeater (available in ACF Pro) that has a…
ACF Options Fields in Bricks

ACF Options Fields in Bricks

This Pro tutorial walks you through outputting the values of custom fields attached to an ACF Pro's Options page in Bricks builder. We shall register…