Post-specific ACF Repeater Galleries as Sliders in Bricks

Consider this field group for Pages:

ACF Pro Repeater field being populated for a specific Page:

This Pro tutorial for Bricks users provides the steps to output post-specific ACF Repeater field rows with the images of the Gallery-type sub field be the source of a slider for each row. In this example, that would be showing any/all the property-specific sliders for the current Page.

We shall use nested query loops, with ACF Repeater as the outer query loop and the inner being an Attachment query loop on the nestable slider's slide. The images' source will be the outer loop's current looping object's property_gallery field.

Step 1

Create your ACF field group. If you'd like to follow along, download this JSON and import it at ACF → Tools.

Step 2

Edit a Page (or any post of your post type) or two and populate the Repeater field.

Step 3

Edit a specific Page or the Bricks template that applies to all posts of your post type - in this case, all Pages.

Copy the JSON below and paste to get this Section:

This is a BricksLabs Pro tutorial.

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