This Pro tutorial provides the steps to output an element on single posts (can be of any post type) only if a specified ACF (Pro) Repeater field has a specified sub field whose value matches the specified string.
We shall define a custom function that takes these 3 arguments so it can be used with Bricks' Dynamic data condition:
- repeater name
- sub field name
- a string to check
This can also be applied to posts in a query loop.
Consider this scenario:
Game CPT having a Quote ACF Repeater type of field having these sub fields: Quote Amount (Number) and Quote Item (Select).
JSON export (you need to add a game
CPT first)
"Game 1" entry when edited:
Requirement: When this "Game 1" post is being viewed on the front end, we want a Section that shows the Repeater data to be output only if, say, the Quote Item of "Bats" is present in at least 1 of the Repeater rows.
After implementing this tutorial:
When "Game 2" for which either the Quote Repeater field is empty or no row's Quote Item has "Bats", the Section won't be output:
Step 1
Add the following in child theme's functions.php
or a code snippets plugin:
This is a BricksLabs Pro tutorial.
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