Filtering Cloneable Meta Box Group by Sub Field Value in Bricks

This Pro tutorial provides the steps to filter the rows of a Meta Box cloneable group to only those that have a date custom field value set to today in Bricks query loop.

Use case: Can be used when setting up a restaurant website where the recipes for only the current day should be shown on single posts.

Step 1

Install Meta Box and its AIO extensions.

Create a field group having a Date Picker type of field.

Step 2

Edit your posts and populate the field group.

In this example, today's date is 4 Apr 2023

Step 3

Edit the single Bricks template for your post type.

Copy this Section's JSON and paste it.

We have selected "MB Group: Post Data" as the Query Type where "Post Data" is the ID of the cloneable group.

Step 4

Add the following in child theme's functions.php or a code snippets plugin:

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