Favorites in Bricks

Updated on 1 Apr 2024

This Pro tutorial provides the steps to add a Favorite button for each post in the posts list on the posts page (can be any/all archive page/s) and a "My Favorite" Page where the currently logged-in user can see the posts that he/she has favorited when using the Favorites plugin in a Bricks site.

Posts page (blog posts index):

My Favorites Page:

We will also display a message that reads "You are either not logged-in or do not have any posts favorited yet." instead when the currently logged-in user either does not have any favorite posts or if a non logged-in visitor is viewing the page.

Note: The plugin also has support for anonymous users i.e., those that are not logged-in.

Step 1

Install and activate Favourites plugin.

In the plugin's settings uncheck "Output Plugin CSS" and save changes.

In the "Display & Post Types" tab, enable the plugin for your desired post types. Posts are selected by default.

Button Type: Custom Markup

Unfavorited button markup:

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