This Pro tutorial answers the question posted in the comments section of our previous Dynamic Galleries with Thumbnails and Captions in Lightbox using lightGallery in Bricks tutorial wherein the images to be shown in custom galleries using lightGallery are the ones in an Image Advanced-type of sub field inside a Group-type Meta Box field.
Each row of the Group field are to be shown as an accordion item for which we shall use BricksExtras' Pro Accordion element.
The benefit of using lightGallery over the built-in Gallery element of Bricks is that it gives us complete control with advanced features like captions inside the lightbox. When custom galleries are needed, this is the library to use.
Let's take an example where we have a tour
Custom Post Type.
Tour Fields:
A specific Tour post being edited in the WP post editor:
After implementing the tutorial, on the front end:
After an image is clicked:
We shall ensure that the for each row of the Group field, gallery parent element is rendered only if the Image Advanced sub field is not empty.
Step 1
Install and activate BricksExtras.
Enable Pro Accordion module in its settings.
Step 2
Let's create a custom function that returns true or false depending on whether the Image Advanced sub field is populated or not.
Add the following in child theme's functions.php
(w/o the opening PHP tag) or a code snippets plugin:
This is a BricksLabs Pro tutorial.
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