Posts Grouped by Month and Year in Bricks

Posts Grouped by Month and Year in Bricks

In the members-only Tutorial Requests area, a user asked:

Can you please make a tutorial how to create a post archive base on year and month, like Augustus 2024, September 2024, October 2024. like this

This Pro tutorial provides the steps to set up nested query loops in Bricks with the outer loop looping through an array of months and years in descending order and the inner loop outputting the posts published in the current iteration of the outer query.

Step 1

Let's add code to

  • Add new "Post Months" query loop type option in the query type dropdown
  • Set up a function that should run when the "Post Months" query type is selected. This function will be set to return an array of labels (Ex.: September 2024), years (Ex.: 2024) and months (Ex.: 9 for September)
  • Add a custom function for getting the current loop object

Add the following in child theme's functions.php (w/o the opening PHP tag) or a code snippets plugin:

This is a BricksLabs Pro tutorial.

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