Pro Meta Box Image Advanced Galleries using lightGallery in BricksShowing images in a lightGallery from Image Advanced sub fields inside a Meta Box Group Field.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Gallery, lightGallery, Media, Meta Box, Query Loop
Pro Dynamic HappyFiles Galleries using ACF Taxonomy Field in BricksHow to to output images from HappyFiles gallery/galleries using ACF’s Taxonomy-type custom field.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF, HappyFiles, Taxonomy Field
Related Posts by Author in BricksQuerying posts on single posts by the author of the current post.Read more →Categories: Bricks, FreeTags: Query Loop
Pro Meta Box Group Subfield Text’s Slug as Query Loop Item ID in BricksIn the BricksLabs Facebook group a user asks: I have a metaBox custom field called 'section_title' inside a clonable metabox group called 'about_section' How can…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Meta Box
Pro Filtering Masonry-layout Posts by Categories in Bricks using IsotopeStep by step on how to use Isotope in Bricks for filtering posts by categories.Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Isotope, Masonry
Pro ACF Font Awesome Field in BricksWe walk through using the Advanced Custom Fields: Font Awesome Field plugin for showing Font Awesome icons.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF
Pro Post sub field Bricks Query Loop in a Meta Box Group fieldLet's consider this Meta Box field group for Pages: FAQs is a Group-type of field in which one of the sub fields is "Answer Post",…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: get_query_for_element_id, Meta Box, Nested Queries
Pro Product Attribute based Related Products Bricks Query LoopHow to output products related by value of attribute(s) for the current product on single WooCommerce product pages.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: WooCommerce
Populating WS Form Field in a Modal with Button Data Attribute in BricksHow a WS Form field inside of a Modal can be pre-filled by clicking the button to open it.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Free, PluginsTags: BricksExtras, WS Form
Checking if a Page has Bricks contentConditionally render elements if the current Page (or post) has no Bricks contentRead more →Categories: Bricks, FreeTags:
Pro Post-specific ACF Repeater Galleries as Sliders in BricksHow to output ACF Repeater field rows with the images of the Gallery-type sub field as a slider.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF Pro, Nested Queries
Pro Floating Bottom Div when Scrolling Down in BricksCreating a floating call to action element that reveals only as the user scrolls down.Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags:
Pro 6 Random Featured Posts in Alphabetical Order in BricksHow to output x number of random posts with a specific meta value set, in Alphabetical order.Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Query Loop
Pro Loading posts on click using WP REST API in BricksThis Pro tutorial provides the steps to load the title and excerpt of the post whose title has been clicked from a list of posts.…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: WP REST API
Pro Custom Mini Calendar using WordPress REST APIThis Pro tutorial provides the steps to use WordPress REST API to fetch posts of an Event CPT that have the same Event Date custom…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: Calendar, WP REST API
Pro On Sale Products Bricks Query LoopLooking to show only the WooCommerce products that are on sale in Bricks? Set up a query loop, enable the PHP query editor and paste:Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: WooCommerce
Pro Dynamic Tabs in BricksThis Pro tutorial provides the steps to show the terms of a taxonomy as tab titles and corresponding posts as tab panes using a Tabs…Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Tabs
The Perfect Bricks Page TemplateThis tutorial shows how such a (what I consider the) perfect Page template can be set up in Bricks.Read more →Categories: Bricks, FreeTags: Setup, Templating
Pro Prefiltering Bricks Terms Query LoopLet's say there's a Events CPT with a 'Event Year' custom taxonomy. Sample event year names could be: 2021, 2022, 2024, 2025, 2028 etc. We…Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: bricks/terms/query_vars
Pro CPT Posts Grouped by Custom Taxonomy Terms in BricksThe steps to set up a Service Category terms loop with an inner Service posts loop in Bricks without writing code.Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: Nested Queries
Pro PagePiling in BricksHow to set up PagePiling, a script to “Pile your sections one over another and access them scrolling or by URL” in Bricks.Read more →Categories: Bricks, ProTags: PagePiling
Pro Dynamic Date in Bricks Countdown ElementAs of Bricks, the built-in Countdown element's Date control does not support dynamic data. That is, it is not possible to set this date…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: bricks/element/render
Pro Dynamic Galleries with Thumbnails and Captions in Lightbox using lightGallery in BricksWalks through using lightGallery & custom ACF/Metabox query loops with support for thumbnails and captions.Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: ACF, lightGallery, Media, Meta Box, Query Loop
Pro Primary Term for Posts using The SEO Framework in BricksUpdated on 18 Mar 2024 The SEO Framework is one of the better (coding-wise) SEO plugins. Like Yoast and Rank Math, it has the option…Read more →Categories: Bricks, Plugins, ProTags: bricks/terms/query_vars