Custom Function for ACF Link Field

In Bricks Discord chat, a user asked:

Does anyone know how to output the label of an ACF link field through Dynamic Data?

With the Return Value of a “Link” type of ACF field set at its default “Link Array”, the array looks like this:

when the field is populated for a post like this:

For printing out the values of title and url array keys for use in Bricks via its dynamic data tags feature, we can define a custom function like this (goes in child theme’s functions.php or a code snippets plugin):

function bl_get_link( string $field_name, string $key ) {
    $field_value = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), $field_name, true );

    if ( $field_value && isset( $field_value[$key] ) ) {
        return $field_value[$key];

and use it in Bricks like this:



where page_link is the field name.

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  • Is there a way to get the title of a linked page from a Page Link flie type field in acf?

    • A

      As mentioned in the documentation at

      > The Page Link field will return either a single URL or array of URLs. To get more data from a selected post, please use the post object field instead.

      it is better to use a Post Object type of field when you need other data about the linked post.

      • Thanks Sridhar, I've made that change and now, after setting up a custom function using "Filter: bricks/code/echo_function_names" I can now echo the post title in a button as required.

  • Is it gonna work if Link is inside ACF Repeater?

    • A

      Yes, it does.

      There is no need to use a custom function now.




      where event_organizers is the Repeater name and page_link is the Link-type field's name.

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