ACF Relationship: Show all other events related to the artists of the current event

Consider the following scenario when using ACF in Bricks:

CPTs: event and artist.

Event CPT has a Relationship field named event__related_artists.

Artist CPT has a Relationship field named artist__related_events.

Both fields are bidirectional.

This Pro tutorial shows how all other events related to the artists of the current event can be output in a Bricks query loop.

Event CPT field group

Artist CPT field group

Note that both the relationship-type fields' return format is at the default, Post Object.

Setting the fields to be bidirectional

Editing an event post

Sample data

Artist 1: Event A

Artist 2: Event B, Event C

Artist 3: Event C, Event A

After implementing the tutorial

From the sample data we can see that Event C is related to Artist 2 and Artist 3.

The events related to Artists 2 and 3 are Event A, B and C.

When Event C is being viewed on the front end, the output shows Events A and B as expected and Event C is set to be excluded since it is the current post.

Step 1

Create both your CPTs and their corresponding field groups.

Create the Relationship-type fields in each and enable bidirectional relationships.

Edit the posts of any of your post types and select the related post of the other post type.

Step 2

Create and edit a Bricks template called "Event" (going by the current example).

Add a template condition so it applies to singular posts of event CPT.

Set it up like this:

For the query loop, choose Events post type.

Enable PHP editor and paste:

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