Bricks Tutorials

(526 tutorials)
RCP Memberships grouped by Membership Levels in Bricks screen shot

RCP Memberships grouped by Membership Levels in Bricks

Displaying RCP‘s membership levels, with the names of active members under each level.
x Number of Random Bricks Query Loop Items(s) to be Shown Every x Hours screen shot

x Number of Random Bricks Query Loop Items(s) to be Shown Every x Hours

Showing how to display one random row of a Meta Box group for an hour and then output another random row.
Posts Grouped by Post Dates in Bricks screen shot

Posts Grouped by Post Dates in Bricks

Setting up query loops for “Post Dates” with an the inner loop displaying all posts published on that day.
Showing a Popup conditionally in Bricks based on Query Parameter screen shot

Showing a Popup conditionally in Bricks based on Query Parameter

Here's two ways a Bricks Popup can be shown on page load depending on URL parameter value.
Data Attribute-based Conditional Output in Bricks screen shot

Data Attribute-based Conditional Output in Bricks

Showing how to prevent rendering any elements that have a specific data attribute set.
Load more for Query loops in Bricks screen shot

Load more for Query loops in Bricks

Did you know that Bricks has AJAX loading for query loop posts on-click out of the box?
Sorting ACF Relationship Posts by Date Meta in Bricks screen shot

Sorting ACF Relationship Posts by Date Meta in Bricks

Consider the following setup: CPT: Events ACF Fields:Event Date Information (Group)|__Event Date (Date Picker)Pick Sub Events (Relationship) An Event can have 1 or more related…
ACPT Gallery Field Query Loop in Bricks screen shot

ACPT Gallery Field Query Loop in Bricks

How we can output images from ACPT‘s Gallery field for posts as a grid using a query loop.
Posts Related by Current Post’s Terms in Bricks screen shot

Posts Related by Current Post’s Terms in Bricks

Showing other posts assigned to the same categories/tags/custom taxonomy terms as the current post.
Filtering a Bricks Terms query on Term archive pages screen shot

Filtering a Bricks Terms query on Term archive pages

On product category archives, how to show product type names but only those that the current product category has.
Conditional single post Bricks template based on internal referrer URL screen shot

Conditional single post Bricks template based on internal referrer URL

How to automatically select a single post template depending on the page from which the post is accessed.
Stacking Post Cards in Bricks screen shot

Stacking Post Cards in Bricks

How we can stack posts in a query loop so they stick on top of the previous one when scrolling.
Condition for checking Bricks content screen shot

Condition for checking Bricks content

Only outputting Bricks content when a Page is built with Bricks, otherwise display WP content.
ACF Post Object Query Loop inside a Posts Query Loop in Bricks screen shot

ACF Post Object Query Loop inside a Posts Query Loop in Bricks

How to loop through a CPT and within each post, output a list of related posts.
Category Grid with ACF Images in Bricks screen shot

Category Grid with ACF Images in Bricks

Creating a grid of post categories, each category card showing an image from an ACF field, category name & description.
ACF Flexible Content Field – Layout Labels and Sub Field Labels screen shot

ACF Flexible Content Field – Layout Labels and Sub Field Labels

How to output the text of layout labels and/or sub field labels using the Flexible Content field of ACF Pro.
Featured Image’s Meta in a Bricks Posts Query Loop screen shot

Featured Image’s Meta in a Bricks Posts Query Loop

How to output values of custom fields for the featured image of current post in a query loop